About Us

About DPR Owerri Coop

The DPR Owerri Staff Multi-Purpose Cooperative Society Limited was duly incorporated in 2013. The society is registered under the ministry of commerce and industry, in line with section 5 of the Nigerian cooperative societies Act, 2004 made under, with the following particular;

From April 2014 to now, membership has grown to one hundred and thirty five(135) across all states of the federation where our parent organisation has a Zonal or field Office.

The cooperative has achieved the establishment of its commodities store, for the purposes of catering to the needs of members and to further spread the investment basket of the enterprise. Members, Staff, Visitors and other stakeholders of the Owerri zonal strategic business unit have access to the services of a food mart and stationery store. To further grow its capital base, the Society is embarking on construction of housing units for its teeming members at the DPR Owerri MCSL Residential Estate, Lekki, Lagos.

Our Mission

To provide excellent services based on unwavering commitment to the pursuit of excellence, diligence, transparency, accountability and trust for current and future growth of Cooperators.

  • To encourage regular savings amongst members so that each member may cultivate the habit of making savings at least once every month, with a view to building up funds for his/her future use.
  • To partner with major brands with a view to providing Consumer goods and household appliances to members at affordable rates and with flexible payment plans.
  • To seek funding for industrial/housing development from banks, the cooperative circle and other financial institutions, making a real difference to our members.
  • To take other measures designed to encourage the practice of cooperation and self-help among members.

Our Vision

To be the most helpful, trusted and empowering cooperative in the staff community.

Management Team

Awah, O.A


Harrison, A.G

Vice President

Anya, O.E


Iroanya, C.C

Asst. Secretary

Oni, E.O

Financial Secretary

Odoh, C.S


Uchola, W.O

Internal Auditor

Looking for more information? We are available to help you. Submit your information and a representative will follow up with you as soon as possible.